1.800.925.7460 info@walshintegrated.com

Hygiena EnSure Touch


Walsh now provides the industry leading Hygiena ATP Ensure Touch system.

Purchase your ATP devices, swabs and more, directly through Walsh.

Don’t forget, Hygiena works perfectly with Walsh’s ATP Central system.


Why choose Hygenia EnSURE Touch

  • Integrates seamlessly with the Walsh ATP Central system.
  • Touch screen, works even with gloves.
  • Instant readout tells you if something is truly clean.
  • Easy to use; like a smartphone, adapts to you.
  • Less variability than the competition.

Why purchase through Walsh?


Integrate your ATP readings seamlessly with all your Walsh Quality data; Patient Satisfaction, Visual Inspections, Fluorescent marking inspections, and more.


Get Walsh’s training, whether onsite or remote, to ensure that your team is knowledgeable and motivated.


Walsh’s Customer Service is second to none. Whatever you need: phone support, additional swabs, or a trade-in, you are confident that Walsh is on the case.


Streamline your purchasing by simply adding ATP devices and supplies to your existing Walsh PO.


Schedule deliveries, ensuring you have the swabs you need on time. Never run out.


Benefit from SEWP and SDVOSB.

Scheduled Delivery

Your supplies can be delivered on a pre-set schedule to ensure you’re always ready to test.

We provide everything that you will need for success, ATP readers, swabs, calibration kits, and more.


Real people with real success!

When I booked a Demo, Walsh was able to show me exactly how they would be able to help me.

We looked at reports, and discussed some of the feature that I cared about.

I was able to quickly understand that this was something that we needed. 

Six years later, we are still using Walsh's solutions.

Melinda Bussard

PI Specialist, Western Maryland Health System

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